COAA Chapters

COAA chapters foster networking, provide education, and advocate for Owner perspectives at the state or regional level. Chapter gatherings allow for peer-to-peer learning with reduced travel and time away from home/office, and COAA members can sharpen their leadership skills and hone their professional resume by helping plan and lead chapter activities.

Key Advantages

  • Education, networking, and peer-to-peer engagement at the local/regional level
  • Shorter travel distances and event durations = less time away from work
  • Opportunities for Owners and their industry partners to build & maintain healthy professional relationships
  • Partnering with local chapters of other industry organizations to reach new audiences and ensure the Owner’s perspective is better understood
  • Professional development opportunities for COAA members interested in volunteering or helping lead a chapter

No chapter in your area?

  • You can still attend virtual chapter events – often at no cost – and COAA members enjoy discounted rates at any chapter’s in-person events.
  • COAA is open to forming new chapters but only when a “critical mass” of Owner & Associate members exists in the given state or region.  Contact COAA staff for more information.