Digital Twin Survey

Posted By: Howie S. Ferguson News,

The University of Washington, in collaboration with the Digital Twin Consortium (DTC), is conducting a survey to understand current and emerging practices in digital twin (DT) technology.  This research will help gain a better sense of DT deployment and the benefits, barriers, and requirements associated with its use and participants will receive a copy of the final report and findings.


What the heck is a digital twin?  For a building, it’s 3D++ ... a compilation of data from all building systems that creates a virtual representation that spans the building’s life cycle and is perpetually updated with real-time data.  In other words, the Building Information Model (BIM) plus GPS for location; the cost and schedule systems used to build it; the asset systems used to track, operate, and maintain what’s in it; sensor data from all the security, HVAC, controls, and other building systems; and on and on.


To participate, use THIS Survey Monkey link or THIS LinkedIn link.