Aggie Square Site Tour & P3 Roundtable: Event Recap

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The Aggie Square Site Tour & P3 Roundtable event held on March 22, 2024, in Sacramento proved to be an engaging and informative gathering, showcasing the developments underway at Aggie Square. Hosted by COAA-CA, the event provided attendees with a great opportunity to delve into the construction progress and visionary aspects of Aggie Square.

From its inception in June 2022 to the present day, construction at Aggie Square has been steadily advancing. Attendees had the chance to witness the ongoing transformation firsthand, as Aggie Square evolves into a hub for technological and life sciences endeavors.

A key focus of discussion was Aggie Square's role in nurturing innovative ecosystems. By bringing together UC Davis research entities, companies, startups, and local talent, Aggie Square aims to catalyze collaboration and propel Sacramento into the forefront of innovation.

The event featured a diverse agenda, starting with networking opportunities and a project overview presented by Chris Nienhueser from Wexford Science + Technology. Reed Kawahara (UC Davis) led a discussion on P3 delivery, emphasizing collaborative efforts driving the project. Later sessions focused on community engagement and the benefits of Aggie Square, led by Sumiko Hong (UC Davis) and Shawn Cooper (Whiting-Turner Contracting Company). The day concluded with a guided project tour and a casual happy hour, encouraging further discussion and networking.

We extend our gratitude to our sponsors, Bagatelos Architectural Glass Systems and Clark Pacific, for their support in advancing COAA-CA's mission.

As we reflect on the event, it's evident that Aggie Square holds immense potential to shape the future of Sacramento. By fostering collaboration, driving innovation, and promoting inclusivity, Aggie Square is poised to make a meaningful impact on the community and beyond. We eagerly anticipate the next steps in this journey and look forward to sharing updates with you all.